Rare Cdv by H.P. Moore of Concord New Hampshire - Exterior of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, with Sentry on Duty |
Here is a Very Uncommon Outdoor Cdv View of Fort Pulaski, Georgia ! Contrast is a little light, but the fort with flag flying can easily be seen in the middle background, while in the middle foreground is a single Union soldier standing sentry duty. Mount and image are in very good condition, with one small stain center of image and a couple on the border of the mount. The corners are just very slightly rounded. Reverse shows applied paper photographer’s label of “Fort Pulaski, Ga. – Photographed and For Sale by H.P. Moore, Concord, N.H.” Reverse also shows some minor staining but no creases or bends on entire mount. Photographer Henry P. Moore visited the 3rd New Hampshire Infantry in South Carolina, and Georgia, mid-war capturing many images some of which are iconic today, such as his African-American photos from Hilton Head, South Carolina. Many of Moore’s Civil War images have been published in a book available from the New Hampshire Historical Society Museum, and this exact image, though not from this Cdv, can be seen on the website of the Georgia Historical Society. This Cdv is one that was collected by Erastus H. Phelps, a Vermonter who worked in the US Paymaster Department during the war, and collected many of Moore’s Cdvs.Work on Fort Pulaski, Georgia, began in 1829, and it was not completed until 1847. Confederate Troops occupied the fort in early 1861, retaining possession until the next year. In April, 1862, Union Artillery, and especially large caliber James and Parrott Rifles breached the walls. Union Forces repaired the damage and garrisoned the fort for the remainder of the war, even using it as a prison for some time. A Very Uncommon Wartime Cdv View of Fort Pulaski, Georgia, by H.P. Moore!
$99 plus shipping
Nice Civil War Period Cdv Image Depicting Indians Attacking Emigrants |
Here is a Fine Civil War Period Cdv Image of Indians Attacking Emigrants ! The image depicts several mounted Indians with spears, attacking a family in a wagon, with one of the men firing a rifle, while another loads in the background, a woman reaching for her child, and several animals. The bottom of the mount says, “Emigrants attacked by Indians, Executed by Darley to the Order of Prince Napoleon.” The image has great contrast and focus, with no visible staining, while the mount has a double gold line border, with nice sharp corners. The reverse shows the imprint of, “Published by E & H.T. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers of the best Photographic Albums.” Darley, was F.O.C. Darley who was a prolific illustrator in the mid-1800s, doing work for Edgar Allen Poe and James Fenimore Cooper among others. A Fine Displaying Mid-1800s Cdv of Indians Attacking Emigrants !
$50 plus shipping
Nice Civil War Period Cdv Image of the Unwilling Laborer - A Horse about to go to the Field - By Anthony |
| Here is an Excellent Civil War Period Cdv Image of a Horse that Doesn’t Want to go to Work ! The image depicts a horse, likely a mare with a colt, that is being pulled out of the barn by a farmer. The farmer has a work collar on his arm, and there is a grinding stone in the foreground, a dog barking at the horses, and shocks of corn or wheat in the right background. The bottom of the mount says, “The Unwilling Laborer, Executed by Darley to the order of Prince Napoleon.” The image has very good contrast and focus, with no visible staining, while the mount shows a double gold line border, with minimal scuffing to the corners. The reverse shows the imprint of, “Published by E. & H. T. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers of the best Photographic Albums.” Darley, was F.O.C. Darley who was a prolific illustrator in the mid-1800s, doing work for Edgar Allen Poe and James Fenimore Cooper, among others. A Fine Displaying Mid-1800s Cdv of an Unwilling Laborer or Horse !
$50 plus shipping
Fine Cdv Engraving of US Capitol by Brady |
Here is a Very Sharp Cdv Image of the US Capitol Building
by Mathew Brady ! Photo is image of a very fine engraving
possibly of a painting. Several people are seen coming and
going from the Capitol, including some in buggies and on
horseback. Mount has double gold line border, and at bottom,
photographer's mark of Brady & Co. Washington. Corners
have been trimmed likely to fit in an album. Reverse shows
Brady's imprint, “ M.B. Brady & Co. National Photographic
Portrait Galleries No. 352 Pennsylvania Av. Washington D.C.
& New York. An Unusual Cdv Image by Mathew Brady !
$59 plus shipping
Nice Hand-Colored Cdv of Prominent Arkansas Lady - Taken Across from Federal Headquarters in Little Rock by Gem Gallery |
Here is a Fine Civil War Period Hand-Colored Lady’s Image, taken by an Uncommon Arkansas Photographer ! The subject view is about waist up, and the lady is wearing a dark shawl, with a ribbon draping down from her neck that the photographer hand painted a purple color, on a white blouse. Her hair is very neat and she is staring directly at the camera. The top left of the image is curled down slightly and the image and mount is lightly stained there. The mount is in good condition, with the typical period double gold line border. The reverse shows a photographer’s imprint of, “ GEM Photograph Gallery, Markham Street, Opposite Head-Quarters, Little Rock, Ark. - Henry Slatter, - - - Prop’r. - Pictures Colored to life if desired. Duplicates can be had at any time within a year.”
Mr. Slatter’s GEM Gallery derived its primary business from the Union Army occupying Little Rock, beginning in late 1863. I have sold several of his photographs of Union Officers & Men, and still retain a few signed examples in my personal collection as well. I am confident this lady is “somebody”, perhaps an officer or politician’s wife, a nurse, or a prominent lady of Little Rock, but have so far been unable to identify her. Civil War Period Arkansas Cdvs are Quite Uncommon and usually only from Helena, Pine Bluff, or Little Rock. Here is a Nice Period Civilian Image taken, “Opposite Head-Quarters” in Little Rock, Arkansas !
$50 plus shipping
Nice Civilian Cdv Portrait - Taken by A.J. Riddle - Official Photographer for Joe Johnston's Confederate "Army of Tennesse" & Only Photographer to take Images of Andersonville Prison |
Here is a Neat Civil War Period or Just Post-War Period Cdv, Done by the Only Photographer to have Ever Taken War Date Pictures of Andersonville Prison, in Georgia ! The subject on the front is a well dressed young man, focused with good contrast. The mount is typical Civil War Period, with the double gold line border, and good corners, except for the top left which is very slightly trimmed. The reverse shows a fancy photographer’s imprint with spread wing eagle and the mark, “From Riddle’s Temple of Art, Macon, Ga. - The same “Riddle” who photographed the Maps for the Army of Tennessee, under “OLD JOE.”
Andrew Jackson Riddle was a pre-war resident of Columbus, Georgia, and fairly prolific photographer, who enlisted with the South and fought as a private, until the Confederacy discovered his abilities as a photographer and artist. After that he was put to work making and photographing maps for the Army of Tennessee, in addition to taking the only known war photographs of Andersonville Prison, in August of 1864. I have only ever had one other Cdv taken by Riddle and it was also a civilian. A Neat Georgia Cdv, taken by one of the few, if not the only Southern Photographer, to have worked directly for the Confederate Army !
$50 plus shipping
Period Civilian Cdv by A.J. Riddle, Macon, Georgia, Photographer for General Joe Johnston & Only Photographer to ever Photograph Andersonville Prison. |
Here is Another Excellent Cdv Portrait by A.J. Riddle of Macon, Georgia, the only Southern Photographer who was ever Officially Employed by the Confederate Army, and the only photographer to take images of Andersonville Prison, while it was in operation ! The subject is a neatly dressed child looking over the back of a chair or lounge, and is well focused and clear. There is some minor staining, but not affecting the image itself. The mount shows corners trimmed to fit in an album and a double red line border. The reverse shows Riddle’s imprint which reads, “ From Riddle’s Gallery of Art, Macon, Georgia. The same “Riddle” who photographed the Maps for the Army of Tennessee, under “Old Joe.”
Andrew Jackson Riddle was a pre-war resident of Columbus, Georgia, and fairly prolific photographer, who enlisted with the South and fought as a private, until the Confederacy discovered his abilities as a photographer and artist. After that he was put to work making and photographing maps for the Army of Tennessee, in addition to taking the only known war photographs of Andersonville Prison, in August of 1864. Another Neat Georgia Cdv, taken by the Only Southern Photographer to have worked directly for the Confederate Army !
$50 plus shipping
ca. 1860s Unknown Institute or Academy - Double Gold Line Border - Snow On Roof |
Here is a Neat Civil War Period Cdv Outdoor View
Of what appears to be an Academy or Institute ! It has
no photographer’s mark on reverse and no identification
of any sort. Building is at least three stories, with towers,
and I suppose it could even be a church. Originally from
Maine, this image may depict a building there, as snow
is evident on the three story brick, as well as some of the
surrounding buildings. Mount has double gold line border,
and some minor damage in the upper left corner, but not
affecting the image. Nice Inexpensive Civil War Period
Outdoor Cdv !
$25 plus shipping
Lee Gallery, Richmond, Virginia, Cdv Engraving of ... James Buchanan ? |
Here's a Nice Cdv Engraving, with a Richmond, Virginia, Photographer's mark ! Front shows subject in an oval, who appears to be an older distinguished gentleman with cane. I have been told that it may be James Buchanan, but I'm not certain of that. There are several small stains on mount around the border, and one dark stain to right of subject's head, plus the usual minor staining. Reverse shows photographer's elaborate mark of : "Lee Gallery 920 Main St. Richmond, Va." Imprint's inside an elaborate series of curled lines, with a Cross inside a Crown at center. Bottom of reverse shows "J.W. & W. Davies, Proprietors." Just A Nice Old Cdv with Great Southern Photographer's Mark !
$35 Now $25 plus shipping
Nice Civil War Period Cdv of "The Lord's Prayer." |
Here is an Unusual Civil War Period Cdv Graphically Illustrating the Lord’s Prayer ! The mount has been trimmed at the top, but is otherwise in good condition, with sharp bottom corners, and a maroon double line border. The image itself depicts a circle of disciples, Jesus, the Nativity, Baptism, the Crucifixion, cherubs, and a few other small vignettes, interspersed with the words to the prayer itself, all having good contrast and color. The reverse is nearly covered in print, describing the image, the varieties of sizes it is available in, and various endorsements. An Uncommon Civil War Period Cdv Image of the Lord’s Prayer !
Excellent Cdv Engraving of President Abraham Lincoln |
| Here is a Very Fine Cdv Engraving of President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln ! I don’t need to go into any history of Lincoln, as I think everyone knows about him, or Should !! The image itself shows very well, with no major staining, and is a very good likeness of Lincoln. The mount has fairly sharp corners, with a period double gold line border. The reverse shows no photographer imprint, but does show some some iron staining or rust, as if this Cdv was stacked with one that had a tintype in it. Actual period photos of Lincoln can be quite expensive, but here is a period image that is an excellent likeness, at an affordable price !
Fine President Lincoln Reading to His Family Cdv with Boston Imprint on Reverse |
Here is a Nice Cdv of President Abraham Lincoln reading with his family ! The image is actually a fine engraving and shows Lincoln with book, Mary Todd at his right hand, son Tad at his left hand, and son Robert behind him in uniform. The engraving was made from the famous Berger Photograph of Lincoln and Tad Reading. The Cdv image is clear and well focused though a tiny bit dark. The mount shows only very minor staining and good corners. The reverse shows a photographer’s imprint of “J Ward & Son, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, Photographs, Stereoscopes and views, 125 Washington St. Boston.” A Nice Period Cdv Image of Abraham Lincoln & Family !